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Martiria is an epic/doom metal rock band formed back in the '80s and re-founded (after a long pause) in 2002. Seven album published (last one R-Evolution, with ex Black Sabbath Vinny Appice - 2014).

The band was formed back in the '80s. At the beginning the band was very much oriented towards Doom/Metal sounds such as: early Candlemass and Black Sabbath. After releasing just a few demos and featuring various musicians, in 1998 the members of the group decide to take a break for a while in order to experience different projects. (continue)

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Album: Roma S.P.Q.R. ( 2012 )


Date: March '13
Author: Nima
Vote: 84%
Language: English
Direct link: click here

With each spin you get pulled deeper into the album and can have yourself carried away by the epic, melancholic and heroic tunes. Fans of old-school epic and heavy and doom metal can purchase 'Roma S.P.Q.R.' without a hesitating.

Nima : I'm a big fan of epic heavy metal, and in that respect with Wotan, Holy Martyr, Doomsword, Icy Steel and the like, Italy has introduced some of the most important and most interesting bands of the genre. Martiria is lesser known than the aforementioned compatriots, but certainly not of lesser quality. And hopefully the fifth long player, 'Roma S.P.Q.R.', will see for more recognition.

My first encounter with this band was through their third album, 'Time Of Truth' (2008), which I found to be somewhat monotonous and "sweet sounding. The following 'On The Way Back' (2011) sounded firmer and I therefore applied to me much more. On 'Roma S.P.Q.R' the quartet 'has made a huge progress. The firmer approach of the last album has been set forth, due to which the songs sound more alive and more spontaneous. Also the album is darker and at the same time more melancholic in general than the predecessors.

Unlike most colleagues who get their inspiration mainly from bands like Manilla Road and Cirith Ungol, and combine that with NWOBHM influences, Martiria goes a little further and relies on a broader range of influences. And so old-school doom metal like Candlemass, Trouble and Solitude Aeturnus plays a large role in the music, but also the spirit of the first Black Sabbath albums of and the epic, dreamy side of early Rainbow is clearly present. All in all the heavy metal influences are more present on 'Roma S.P.Q.R.', giving the album a more aggressive character. There where the slower, heavy doom influences are also still fully represented, the album sounds more balanced. Thanks to that the record has turned out more versatile, and therefore also catchier. Singer Freddy has also made great progression as well, using his voice in much better and less monotonous way, and sings with much more emotion.

Because of the different influences however, the album several listens in order to come into its own. Fortunately the production is kept contemporary, but without compromising the old-scholl charm, and there has been a great eye for detail, making the album a little more accessible. With each spin you get pulled deeper into the album and can have yourself carried away by the epic, melancholic and heroic tunes. Fans of old-school epic and heavy and doom metal can purchase 'Roma S.P.Q.R.' without a hesitating.

© Nima


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