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Shortly about us

Martiria is an epic/doom metal rock band formed back in the '80s and re-founded (after a long pause) in 2002. Seven album published (last one R-Evolution, with ex Black Sabbath Vinny Appice - 2014).

The band was formed back in the '80s. At the beginning the band was very much oriented towards Doom/Metal sounds such as: early Candlemass and Black Sabbath. After releasing just a few demos and featuring various musicians, in 1998 the members of the group decide to take a break for a while in order to experience different projects. (continue)

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Hell is not burning
from the album "The Age of the Return"

Thundering nothing,
Revolving darkness.
Then He said "light", and light was.
And stars and anything.

Favourite angel,
And lux ferentes.
Burning of blind jealousy
for the Creation He loves.

Little men
Shadows and nights
Universe from a single thought.

Angels at war,
Shaking the sky.
Ages or seconds.

He did not move,
He did not raise.
Just painfully looked.

Hell is not burning,
Is frozen and dry.
A heart who cannot repent,
Tears eternally hold.

Black stormy mirror,
Cruelly reflecting
A blind worm trapped in the dark,
Condemned to remember.


The rights of this song are exclusive properties
of MARTIRIA and are protected by SIAE

The lyrics of the album "The Age of the Return" have been written by Marco R.Capelli, if you want to know more about his activity as poet and writer (and if you speak italian) you can give a look to this website: WWW.PROGETTOBABELE.IT



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Web developement Marco R. Capelli -
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