Shortly about us
Martiria is an epic/doom metal
rock band formed back in the '80s and re-founded (after
a long pause) in 2002. Seven album published (last one R-Evolution, with ex Black Sabbath Vinny Appice - 2014).
The band was formed back in the '80s. At the beginning the
band was very much oriented towards Doom/Metal sounds such
as: early Candlemass and Black Sabbath. After releasing
just a few demos and featuring various musicians, in 1998
the members of the group decide to take a break for a while
in order to experience different projects. (continue) |
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(Menarini - Capelli)
from the album "Roma
Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram;
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
Liber I (2)
Every story begins, where another
one ends.
Ten years it lasted Troys
siege, before ending in an cruel, endless night.
Many died, some managed, some way, to escape; little ruined
things, forever marked.
was between them, he ran an ran through burning alleys and courts,
carrying his old father on his own shoulders. He saw his wife
murdered, saved his son.
Finally, he armed his boats and left with few companions, sailing
for the unknown sea.
Then, one day, he saw the fierce shores of Carthage.. |
You, cruel sisters
that from ruin
pleasure borrow!
I bleed tonight,
Chartago flames tomorrow! (3)
I ran from Tyre,
my gold was fake.
A city was built
against fate;
made out of whores and arrows.(4)
Sweet banks of Africa,
you, brown and blue,
watching every move I do.
A queen is a woman, down below,
and well they seem to know.
Dont make mistakes...
He came from East,
dirty and wild.
I was alive
when he smiled
and his eyes were kind and tired.
I gave him all I had,
I gave myself.
Not a single word he said.
Naked in his arms, I prayed: Stay...
I looked around
and he went away.
But why did I trust
this men from the sea,
stays a mystery
to me...
If you go, don't turn back,
if you do youre weak.
It's known to mens'n'mice,
weakness always pays a price.
I failed, Ill pay,
while you sail away.
The fire burns high,
your blade is sharp.
I feel it inside,
it hurts my hand.
But while I die, I understand. (5)
I die for pride,
I die of rage.
locked in a cage,
at your feet I laid.
Now, be afraid,
...revenge is just delayed!
(Menarini - Capelli 2012)

Live, false Aeneas!
Truest Dido dies!
Queen of Carthage (1593)
by Christopher

Come away, fellow sailors,
your anchors be weighing,
time and tide
will admit no delaying,
take a boozy short leave
of your nymphs on the shore,
and silence their mourning
with vows of returning
but never intending
to visit them more.
and Aeneas (1688)
music by Henry
Purcell (lyrics Nahum Tate)
'o luce magis dilecta sorori,
solane perpetua maerens carpere iuventa
nec dulcis natos Veneris nec praemia noris?
id cinerem aut manis credis curare sepultos?
esto: aegram nulli quondam flexere mariti,
non Libyae, non ante Tyre; despectus Iarbas
ductoresque alii, quos Africa terra triumphis
dives alit: placitone etiam pugnabis amori?
Libro IV2
'moriemur inultae,
sed moriamur' ait. 'sic, sic iuvat ire sub umbras.
hauriat hunc oculis ignem crudelis ab alto
Dardanus, et nostrae secum ferat omina mortis.'
) 'hunc ego Diti
sacrum iussa fero teque isto corpore soluo':
sic ait (Iris) et dextra crinem secat, omnis et una
dilapsus calor atque in ventos vita recessit.
Libro IV
Thanks (again) to Sandra
Tedeschi for the above listed readings.
Henry Purcell's
When I am laid, am laid in earth, May my wrongs
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me, remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
queen of Carthage. In some (older) sources she is also known as
Elissa. I personally think that Elissa is more appropriate as
a title for this song than Dido... Elissa was the
name of a goddess, while Dido has been painted in history of literature
as a fragile women that kills herself because she is refused by
Aeneas, but she was a queen, and a tough woman, able to found
and rule a city. Personally I think she didnt mind too much
to be abandoned by Aeneas, more probably, she hate herself for
the weakness showed falling in love with him. For a minute she
wished to be just a woman as many others, and this costed her
everything she had built till that moment. A heavy price for such
a weak man... Her city, the faith of her people, the delicate
equilibrium of international relationships she had built with
local kingdoms. All was sacrificed for a man that, not only left
her, but was so coward to run away without a word (and not even
able to do it properly, if it is true that, when she discovered
his plans, he was ready to go back to her thing that NO
woman would ever accept!).
(2) Canto le armi, canto l'uomo
che primo da Troia / venne in Italia, profugo per volere del Fato
/ sui lidi di Lavinio. A lungo inseguito / per terra e per mare
dalla potenza divina / a causa dell'ira tenace della crudele Giunone,
/ molto soffrì anche in guerra: finché fondò
una città / e stabilì nel Lazio i Penati di Troia,
/ origine gloriosa della razza latina / e albana, e delle mura
di Roma, la superba.
(3) Virgilius says that Aeneas
was convinced to leave Carthage by Mercury, sent by Jove sub prayer
of Iarbas
king of Gaetulia (and son of Jove himself and a Garamanthian Nymph).
Iarbas was in love with Dido and, moreover, was very interested
in joining the powerful and rich city to his dominions. On the
other side, in Henry Purcells work its a plot of witches
that send an elf disguised as Joves messenger to induce
Aeneas to leave. Ive preferred to follow this later version
because the whole myth thing seem to me to be rather
distant from modern taste, and the whole first strophe is nothing
but a citation (adapted by me) of Purcell/Tates work.
(4) Dido escaped from Tyre
when her brother, Ganymede, king of the city, murdered her husband
Sychaeus (who, incidentally, was her uncle as well, sometimes
myths can be complex and not too politically correct). Ganymede
wanted Sychaeus gold, of course, but Dido pretended she
had thrown all the gold into the sea, while she ordered to throw
in to the water bags of sand. Ganymede believed the trick but
was so upset that he decided to have his sister executed, so Dido
left the city with several boats and some hundreds of faithful
citizens of Tyre. On the way she collected many others, vagabonds,
adventurers, prostitutes then, finally, she landed on the shores
of what, nowadays, is known as Tunisia. Legend wants that local
kings didnt want to sell her any land to build her new settlement.
Only one of them listened to her request but, as a joke, offered
her as much land as can be contained in an ox skin.
The queen accepted, had an ox skin cut in tiny stripes and joined
land in order to make a rope long enough to enclose the peninsula
on which the city was going to be built.
(5) Dido made a pyre with all
Aeneas things, included his weapons, and burned them. Then, according
to Aeneas, she killed herself with his sword and she let herself
fall into the fire. Honi soit qui mal y pense
Anna (sorella di Didone) risponde: "Sorella più
cara della luce, / trascorrerai la giovinezza sempre sola e dolente
/ senza la dolcezza dei figli né le gioie di Venere? /
Credi che questo importi alla cenere e all'Ombra / di chi è
morto e sepolto? Stammi a sentire. Capisco / che non t'abbia piegato
il cuore ferito / nessun pretendente di Libia o di Tiro; / capisco
che tu abbia spregiato Jarba e i re / di questo paese africano
ricco di tanti trionfi; / ma perché vuoi respingere anche
un amore vero?
(7) Muoio invendicata, / eppure
muoio, disse, ma va bene, era ora di scivolare tra le ombre e
che il Dardano crudele veda questo fuoco da lontano e porte con
sè loscuro presagio della mia morte.
(8) "Questo capello
disse Iris - porto e consacro a Dite / per ordine divino, e ti
sciolgo da queste / tue membra." Con la destra strappò
il capello: insieme / si spense il calore del corpo, la vita svanì
nel vento.